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29.2 November 2018: The patient portal

Another convenient thing about being a doctor (see first post/Nov4/2nd paragraph) is that with a modern patient portal you can half-ways diagnose yourself from the results, even if it’s not your specialty. I’m in the hotel room after my day of testing and...

30 November 2018: Quantum superposition

I am like Schrodinger’s cat trapped in a box, superimposed between two states, both alive and dead until someone opens the box to observe the result except that in my case the latter extreme is more variable. Will it be one year, or two, or thirty, in which case...

2 December 2018: Quantum Superposition II

It is Sunday and I am still Schrodinger’s cat although, in truth, we all are. We are all Schrodinger’s cat, in boxes largely of our making with observations and outcomes largely dependent upon our actions and the choices we make, and the consequences of...

4 December 2018: The end?

I’ll be leaving Schrodinger’s box for the time being as my pulmonologist from the Mayo Clinic called with my pleural biopsy result. Nonspecific inflammation, by his verbal report. There was no mention of a predominance of fibrosis, which would have been...