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John asked us to write about grief yesterday. Most everyone shared what they had written and for all but one, it reprented a real life experience, basically fact; there was one who wrote fiction based on factual emotion experience, which is basically what we all try...


Third day in the books for my writing class. We have some optional assignments. I have one that I think will be helpful for my book, the other less so, which is the one below. Setting: A grocery store. Situation: Two shoppers accidently bump their shoping carts into...
Carmelita: On interviewing a fictitious character

Carmelita: On interviewing a fictitious character

Was our assignment from John today. I wrote 1083 words, so I’m done for the day; however, I’d have to say that that was the single, most simplest assignment or instruction that was of the highest yeild ever. On the other hand I haven’t taken much...
On John Dedakis

On John Dedakis

I loved him before I met him after reading the dedication page of the one book I randomly picked to check him out, The Bullet in the Chamber. I loved him because he had lost a son, which created an instant bond between he and all fathers, fathers of any consequence at...


In less than two months it will have been 4 years since I first thought I might be actively dying for the second time in my life, and a few months less than that since I last wrote a post. One thing has remained the same, and three things changed in the interval: I am...