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Was our assignment from John today. I wrote 1083 words, so I’m done for the day; however, I’d have to say that that was the single, most simplest assignment or instruction that was of the highest yeild ever. On the other hand I haven’t taken much writing instruction for years and the years that I did are so far in the past than any recollection thereof is about as remote as a pebble in the botttom of Hell’s crater. When he said, “Your assignment is to interview one of your characters in your novel. Aslk them what the fuck they’re there for.” Okay, he didn’t really say the fuck word but that was the overall insinuation, and I thought that sounds kind of stupid, I mean, talking you your imaginary friend. It seemed kind of trite or contrived, but as I was driving home, listening to my favorites on Spotify, I was thinking of what Carmelita might say, the daughter of a drug lord and granddaughter of a Mexican sex work, so when I got home, I started writing and found out a lot more than I thought I knew. I decided that I clearly need to do that for every fictitious character for sure, and probably all the characters not as close to me as the two primary. I need to get used to not trying to put everything I write in, or, not everything you write for the novel has to actually be in the novel. Thanks John Dedakis.