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I’ve been remembering my dreams more than I used to. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s related to my Apple watch and obsession with nailing at least 7 hours of sleep nightly so I don’t get more demented. The app says I don’t get much deep sleep, a small fraction, and only on the front end of the night (consistent with “Why We Sleep,” not in total amount, but in timing). I wish it were more (deep sleep) because that’s the part where the little spaces between the neurons open up and drain all the bad shit from the brain cells that cause dementia. Unfortunately, the 30 years of chronic sleep deprivation have taken their toll and those little space pathway networky type drainage routes are likely clogged to the point where my brain has likely crossed the Rubicon of senility and memory loss and my good days remaining numbered.

I already forgot last night’s dream although I remembered it on awakening (see above). I’ve noticed that, my dreams occur in the early morning hours and when I wake up to go tinkle I know that if I can fall back asleep, I’ll dream, and I’ll remember. I’ve tried thinking about certain things to see if I can steer my dream and I’m thinking that there is that capability although definitely not a sure thing. Two mornings ago, I woke, tinkled, and then I lay my heady down and was thinking of my novel where Dave and Johnny are in Tijuana in their attempt at saving Carmelita. Well, I didn’t dream about that, exactly, but I dreamt that Johnny (me) and Dave were in a foreign country–it felt like China