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Patrick CJ Ward MD

I’m not sure if “CJ” were Dr. Wards’ real middle initials, or if it’s just a fable he shared with his pathology students in their first year of medical school, or maybe it was the second year. I can’t remember now, almost forty...
From Plato’s Apology

From Plato’s Apology

Socrates taught Plato who taught Aristotle. Plato’s Apology is basically a transcript of Socrates speech/defense at his trial where he was found guilty and sentenced to death by drinking a cup of poison (hemlock). The following is an exert from that speech...
Quantum Indeterminacy/Observer’s Paradox

Quantum Indeterminacy/Observer’s Paradox

Death came calling the other day, a soft tentative knock from the other side so as to not disturb the small children, or anyone else but me, and it did; a soft ripple across the pond, subtle but distinctly sharp, a shiver when I saw the value, and I knew it was not...

Pale Horse

I finished Nabokov’s “Pale Horse.” It is one of those books that is in those various lists of the top ten list of best novels ever, along with James Joyce’s “Ulysses,” “The Brothers Karamazov” “Lolita”, also...


I’ve been remembering my dreams more than I used to. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s related to my Apple watch and obsession with nailing at least 7 hours of sleep nightly so I don’t get more demented. The app says I don’t get much deep...