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4 November 2018: On Dying

I’ve been dying since I was eighteen months old; however, this latest rendition seems the real thing. I had a glimmer of it seventeen years ago during one of my other attempts at dying, a premonition at the time that perhaps I’d not seen the last of it. It...

8 November 2018: I Know what is is now

I know what it is now: –my Burden; or, at least what I think it is; or, I should say, what I hope it isn’t. Cryptogenic bilateral fibrosing pleuritis is, or may be; or, I pray, not be my burden. A string of not overly large not overly confusing words. Quite...

9 November 2018: Resignation

The advantage to being a physician, especially a surgeon, when you know you’re going to die, is that you can skip all the preliminary stages of grief as defined by Kubler-Ross and go straight to acceptance. It’s much more efficient, because you know how things work,...

10 November 2018: Embarrassment

Frankly, I’membarrassed. It’s like I failed at what matters most. It wasn’t supposed to happen. Naturally, that’s what most think when in a similar position; however, in my case it really is true. I followed all the rules; never smoked, didn’t even try marijuana other...

15 November 2018: From Prufrock to Rage

From a letter from a friend titled, Letter to our Fate: Don’t you dare, cruel fate. Stand down. You stay away from my friend, a rare man among the only half, a handful in my entire life whose kindness and sweet-heartedness exceeds all others. A man so loved that the...