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From Plato’s Apology

From Plato’s Apology

Socrates taught Plato who taught Aristotle. Plato’s Apology is basically a transcript of Socrates speech/defense at his trial where he was found guilty and sentenced to death by drinking a cup of poison (hemlock). The following is an exert from that speech...
Quantum Indeterminacy/Observer’s Paradox

Quantum Indeterminacy/Observer’s Paradox

Death came calling the other day, a soft tentative knock from the other side so as to not disturb the small children, or anyone else but me, and it did; a soft ripple across the pond, subtle but distinctly sharp, a shiver when I saw the value, and I knew it was not...

Contact, for real

My last contact didn’t pan out. I guess it was fake, but I think I had a real one, which was cool. A voice talking back from the ether. A voice called Miriam.


In less than two months it will have been 4 years since I first thought I might be actively dying for the second time in my life, and a few months less than that since I last wrote a post. One thing has remained the same, and three things changed in the interval: I am...

4 November 2018: On Dying

I’ve been dying since I was eighteen months old; however, this latest rendition seems the real thing. I had a glimmer of it seventeen years ago during one of my other attempts at dying, a premonition at the time that perhaps I’d not seen the last of it. It...

8 November 2018: I Know what is is now

I know what it is now: –my Burden; or, at least what I think it is; or, I should say, what I hope it isn’t. Cryptogenic bilateral fibrosing pleuritis is, or may be; or, I pray, not be my burden. A string of not overly large not overly confusing words. Quite...