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9 November 2018: Resignation

The advantage to being a physician, especially a surgeon, when you know you’re going to die, is that you can skip all the preliminary stages of grief as defined by Kubler-Ross and go straight to acceptance. It’s much more efficient, because you know how things work,...

10 November 2018: Embarrassment

Frankly, I’membarrassed. It’s like I failed at what matters most. It wasn’t supposed to happen. Naturally, that’s what most think when in a similar position; however, in my case it really is true. I followed all the rules; never smoked, didn’t even try marijuana other...

15 November 2018: From Prufrock to Rage

From a letter from a friend titled, Letter to our Fate: Don’t you dare, cruel fate. Stand down. You stay away from my friend, a rare man among the only half, a handful in my entire life whose kindness and sweet-heartedness exceeds all others. A man so loved that the...

20 November 2018: My angels, mother and Catholicism

My grandfather, second from the left in the back, immigrated from Odessa, Russia with his family in 1917 when he was seventeen years old. This was the period of time analogous to Fiddler on the Roof. I never spoke to him of it because I was too young to be interested,...

23 November 2018: On Thanksgiving

J. W. called at eight-thirty. I had just opened my eyes. It was so perfectly timed it’s like I received a telepathic signal from across the universe. I answered just before my ring-tone of the Twisted Nerve whistle from Kill Bill would have...

25 November 2018: On Thanksgiving Sunday

My brother-in-law, J, and his family left. Although he is physiologically, biologically my in-law, in reality he is  my brother, or maybe more like a son given our age disparity, or let’s just say he’s a hybrid or crossover, like a SUV that has...